8 Twitter Marketing Wins & How To Replicate It Yourself
Many businesses are quick to push Twitter aside. “You can’t get customers there,” they say. Let them, while you use these Twitter marketing wins to drive new attention, interest, and sales.
We’re going to share with you our best Twitter strategies, with nothing held back.
This will be shown through screenshots of one of our social media marketing customers, Dr. Leah Houston (@LeahHoustonMD).
Why Twitter?
The data you’re about to read is convincing.
For starters, 326 million people use Twitter every month. That’s a lot of potential customers you might be missing out on if you put out all of your best content on Instagram.
This number is only continuing to grow. Now 9% more people are using Twitter on a daily basis.
Twitter isn’t only for Gen Z and younger audiences. If you typically target an older audience, you will be happy to know that 24% of US adults use Twitter.
With its character limits on tweets, people are 31% more likely to recall what they saw on Twitter due to the forced brevity.
In addition to that, 54% of Twitter users took action after seeing a brand mentioned on the app. Not only are your customers on the app, they’re ready to take action.
For those reasons, your business needs to be on Twitter.
Now are you ready to see these advanced Twitter strategies? Let’s go!
Twitter Marketing Tactics To Copy
1. Ask Great Questions
Twitter, and all social media content really, works best when it focuses on its audience and their needs.
One great way to have an audience-first focus is to ask them an open-ended question. This always produces engagement.
Take this tweet we created for Dr. Houston.
She asks a question that would require an in-depth answer and would likely encourage a discussion that would get even more followers involved. It pays off to the tune of 120 retweets, 529 comments, and 527 comments. Those are huge numbers for a non-celebrity!
You want your tweets to spark discussions like this one because it increases your brand awareness by miles. And the more people that enter your Twitter discussion, increases the odds they follow your account.
They’ll follow because you’ve added value to them, which is the most important goal of your tweets.
You can also ask a question that you have the unique solution to. For example, a chiropractor could ask his followers what kind of pain do they suffer the most?
Once a few responses come in, the chiropractor can reply to all the tweets that his chiropractic office serves, like neck, back, and shoulder pain. These tweet replies can offer helpful insight and then a recommendation to come visit his office for treatment.
Be careful though: Twitter users won’t see your brand as authentic if you are constantly asking for sales in the comments. Do this sparingly and with touch.
If I were you, right now, I’d jot down a list of 20 questions you can ask your audience over the next few months. These can be questions you’re personally curious about, hot-button issues, or a more personal one, like “Are you a dog or cat person, and why?”
2. Do Twitter Polls
Twitter polls are a form of asking questions on Twitter, where your follower’s votes get tracked in real time.
They have become popular amongst personal and business accounts for their ability to acquire quick feedback.
Take these two examples from Dr. Leah Houston.
In the first poll, she learned that the highest health care trend that her followers are worried about iss consolidation. Notice she didn’t need to do hours of research or dive into scientific journals to gather this information.
Just blast off a tweet and let your audience answer for you.
This information is beneficial to her because she can then share an article, that either she or someone else, discussing consolidation.
Now she is solving problems that her followers didn’t even know they wanted solutions for, while establishing herself as a thought leader.
Creating tweets this way also ensures that her followers are seeing content that they are interested in and find valuable.
You can also use polls to break up some of your more serious content with fun, light-hearted questions. Life can be hard and sometimes having a light tweet on your feed is what people need to boost spirits.
Want to go above and beyond after running a Twitter poll? Use the data you collect from your polls to create an infographic, and share with your followers.
For example, using the second poll pictured above, Dr. Houston could create an infographic that visualizes these responses in a pie chart. That’s the cherry on top of grade A, original content.
3. Tweet Multiple Times Per Day
Did you know this? On average, around 6,000 tweets are tweeted per second. That translates to about 500 million tweets per day.
It sucks that those sheer numbers of tweets are all competing with your content for visibility.
But don’t panic. There is an upside to this high volume of tweets.
You can post a lot during the day without worrying about annoying your followers. In fact, for your account to be successful, you need to tweet multiple times a day at the minimum.
If you might think that it will be hard to come up with quality content for multiple posts every day, rest assured. It’s actually pretty easy.
Think about all the different types of ways you can add content. You can tweet yourself, retweet others, quote tweet with comments, and jump in the comments.
Community is the foundation of Twitter so you really can’t rely solely on your own tweets to gain traffic.
Your interactions with industry leaders, your followers and Twitter conversations count as new daily content.
Replies to other people’s tweets prove that your intentions are genuine because you’re taking the time to be an active, engaged member of the community.
You can also quote tweet other tweets, where you share their content with your own insights and opinions. This provides additional insight and shows your personality in a different angle for your followers.
In terms of your own content, you can set aside time on Sunday to make a content calendar inside Google Sheets. Here’s an example content calendar.
You need to create all types of content so your followers don’t see the same tweets over and over again. Have some fun with this. Only then will you keep your followers on their toes so they continue to interact with your tweets from a serious Monday afternoon to a goofy Saturday morning
4. Use Controversy
Controversy always sparks conversation. Marketers love the fact everyone has an opinion about hot issues, so you should too. Use this human tendency to your advantage.
Look at Dr. Houston’s tweets. She published two tweets above that discuss controversial issues in the medical industry and got a lot of replies, likes and retweets.
Controversy can help spark really meaningful conversation on the platform. If you’re the one who starts the popular conversation, you will gain a lot of brand awareness and new followers.
You do need to be careful when you use controversy to comply with Twitter’s rules. The rules of the site are split into three categories:
- Safety: to sum it up, you can’t exploit or threaten people
- Privacy: You can’t publish other’s private information
- Authenticity: You can’t manipulate information
If you don’t abide by these rules, you can risk getting the tweet deleted and suspension/termination from your account.
As long as you keep those things in mind, you can create a successful debate about controversial issues within your industry.
5. Retweet With Comments
Retweeting with comments, or quote tweeting, is a great way to increase the amount you tweet each day.
As I mentioned above, quote tweeting allows you to share relevant information to your followers while including your own thoughts about the tweet.
You can combine this strategy with asking questions and using controversy as well.
If the tweet you’re commenting on is about a sided argument, you can ask your followers what they think. Or see if they agree or disagree with your thoughts.
You can also comment on controversial tweets to spark discussion among your own followers and their followers to talk about the issue.
This method leads to making connections with people in your industry. Your tweets get shared their followers, which will increase the discussion and bring more awareness to your account.
You’re also increasing your credibility by commenting on other established account’s content. Quote tweet a verified account, or better yet challenge them, and you’ll earn street credit if you do it with class.
Finally, you’re providing your followers with information that they may not have known before seeing the post. This can be really beneficial because 74% of Twitter users rely on Twitter as a primary source of news.
Quote tweeting does not take long. It can help make sure that your followers know that you’re active. And it’s another example that you’re there to have epic conversations, not there to sell stuff.
6. Join In On The Conversation
We can’t say this enough. The foundation of successful Twitter marketing relies on growing a community. To do this, start and join conversation after conversation until your fingers hurt (half kidding).
Look anywhere and you’ll see conversations you can jump in.
It helps to follow the leaders of your industry because they are usually great about sparking conversations on Twitter.
You’ll want to stick to conversations within your own industry because that’s where you can provide your followers with the most value. Then go to work sharing your knowledge with peers to make a name for yourself.
Engaging in Twitter conversations can also help you gain followers that are guaranteed to be active on Twitter. When you ask questions or create polls, you want people to actually participate in them. Gaining active followers, by commenting on their tweets, helps you avoid getting no responses to your tweets.
There are some do’s and don’ts to Twitter conversations that we should discuss:
- Do: engage in conversations related to your industry, offer insightful comments, bring in external sources to support your points, conduct yourself in a professional manner, respect opinions that both agree and disagree with your own
- Don’t: try to sell your product, disregard the opinions of others, bring up topics and concepts that are not relevant to the discussion
You should always be trying to add value to the chat.
A great way to do this is to include visuals along with the text of your replies. Incorporating infographics and memes can help your comments stand out, while supporting your claims.
Who doesn’t love a good meme?
7. Share Interesting Videos
Two cool stats:
- Tweets with videos are 6x more likely to get retweeted than those without
- Tweets with video attract 10x as much engagement then tweets without.
How come? Videos are more convenient for users to gather information and they add more emotion to the content.
Videos can also help you get more information to your followers, being limited to 240 characters in text tweets.
There are a few ways that you can include videos in your tweets.
Twitter does have an option that allows you to take a video directly on the app. I wouldn’t typically recommend this option because you’re likely to sacrifice quality.
If you’re sharing your own content, I would recommend you shoot the video professionally and then upload it with a tweet.
You can run live videos on Twitter that can be a great tool to encourage engagement.
You can tell your followers that you’re going to be going live on Twitter about a topic. Then they can tweet at you during it with questions and their thoughts about the subject.
Another option is to link a YouTube video.
Finally, you can share a clip of a webinar to give followers a sneak peek of what they’re going to see when they view the entire thing.
Videos crush, if you do them right. Or hire a video production company to do the hard work.
8. Bring The Offline To Online
A final marketing win that establishes your relationship with your followers is bringing the offline to online. By this, we mean inviting followers to your offline events.
Dr. Houston was participating in a panel about healthcare and blockchain. We decided to ask her Twitter followers what topics she should bring up during the discussion.
This really played well. She’s showing she cares about her followers opinions. She’s making them feel valued as this discussion panel has real life effects. And she’s entering opportunities for 1-on-1 conversations through the replies, as well as at the event.
This strategy also keeps your followers updated on what you’re doing.
It can be easy sometimes to forget your Twitter still needs to inform new followers who aren’t familiar with you what your business is about.
Bringing the offline online is a guaranteed way to do this in a non-promotional way.
Hopefully by now you’re a big fan of Twitter and its potential for your business.
It’s time for you to join the community and use these Twitter marketing wins yourself. Why stay on the sidelines when there’s followers, revenue, and new opportunities to be gained?
Those are our best 8 strategies. What are other Twitter marketing strategies you use to gain attention and revenue?
P.S. If you’re looking for a social media marketing company, see what we can do for you.